Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Thing 12

I think that the creative commons idea is a good idea. I always search on google web or images for tons of stuff that I use in my classroom. I use a lot of pictures during powerpoints. I think the the owners of the pictures should get credit, but then again, I don't want to not have access to the pictures anymore. I use those pictures to help the students understand the topic we are covering or to see an example of it. Without them, my class wouldn't be as good.

I could see how it could be used with student projects, especially those that students don't want to be stolen or copywrited. (for example, papers) This way the students can realize that if they post something online, anyone can search for it, find it, and use it. This will prevent that from happening if they don't want it to. I also think that creative commons can help students to understand more about copywrite laws and user privacy.

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