So this is the end...
Overall I thought that the 17 Things to Chew On experience was great. I learned so much. It forced me to go beyond my comfort zone and try to learn something new. It also forced me to think of ways I can use these websites for education. I feel confident that I have a bunch of new technology in my bag of tricks to use in the classroom! I think the most useful web 2.0 tool for me was I loved how easy it was to create a website and I'm going to create one for my class. Previously I had only used FrontPage, which took forever.
I think that one way this experience could have been better was to make people look at what others have done. I didn't really check up on anyone I followed and although I can scope out their blog, I was never required to, so i never did.
I would definitely recommend this to people in the future. It was super easy and could be done on our own schedule. There were no meetings to make it to, and I could complete it either at home or at school. Plus, everyone can use technology in their classroom!
If I had to sum up the experience in one word or phrase it would be: A fun and eye-opening experience.